Subject: [FFML] [fanfic][ryougafic] MRD
From: Myrriden
Date: 3/30/1998, 2:07 PM

	Hello people of the ffml.  I may, or may not continue this fic.
Depends on one:  the response, and two:  if I'm not busy on another
pathetic fic.  That's me.
	For those of you who care, I wrote this after seventy three hours
of no sleeping, without multiple pots of coffee.  After I wrote this, I
crashed for another two, before waking up.
	We McCoys don't need much sleep.

Multiple Ryouga Disorder:  Teaser
	By Myrriden
Psssshtpssssssssssht <Begin transmission>

	"Where am I?"  The admiral looked about himself in wonder. "Interesting.
Houston?  Do you copy?"
	Pssshtpsssht.  <Affirmitive sir.  We copy.  We are currently 
noting your postion.  No visual confirmation.  Your vidcam is out.>

 	"Damn.  Alright.  I'm in a large, boxlike structure of some type.
There are hundreds of what appear to be slightly opaque crystals, or
possible clouded mirrors.  No other life forms."
	Pssshtpsssht.  <Roger, Admiral.>  moments passed  <We suggest you
disable audio transmission to save energy. Save it for an emergency.
Keep recording your layout, and contact us if anything goes wrong.  Do
you copy?>

	"Yeah, I copy.   Roger and out."  He reached behind his ear to
shut off the small tranmitter.  Putting his overlarge mech into drive,
he slowly edged out of the portal space, making his way down the small,
dusty path before him.  One of the strange crystal structures began to
shine, emmiting a slightly musical quavering as he drew near.  Interested,
he stopped the mech.  Within seconds the glass's vibrations had been
magnified and copied by the surrounding crystals.  It seemed almost like
a warning.
	Frowning, the admiral stuck the mech in Autodefense mode, swinging it
around to check behind him, just in case.
	"Hello?"  A voice?  Here?  How is that possible?  The mech swung
around again to bear on a young boy with shoulder length, unruly black
hair kept back partially by a yellow, spotted bandanna. Shutting
Autodefense he studied the boy closer.  A brown shirt, large brown
backpack, with an umbrella attached.  The bandanna.  Where had he seen
that before?  Something seemed awefully familiar about the boy.
	The admiral examined the scene with a small frown, noticing that
the crystal that had activated had dimmed now, to opacity, as well as
stopping humming.  Focusing on the boy, though, he thought hard. Suddenly,
with a gasp, the admiral grasped at something in his shirt. On old luck
charm he frequently took with him.  In shock, the admiral pulled out the
yellow bandanna which was a perfect match for the one about the boy's
head.  The bandanna he had stopped wearing over twenty years ago, but sill
kept close to him.  This boy...could it be?
	"Who are you?"  The boy shouted up to the mech.  He had seen 
stranger things, so a large robot didn't scare him all that much.  He
was just curious who was piloting it, for it had what was an obvious
carrier attachment located in the upper torso.  With a hiss of precisely
machined hydraulics, the cab reared back to reveal a near forty year old
man, with thick shiny silvered hair, once obviously black, a slight
mustache, also silver, dressed in American airforce colors.
	The admiral jumped out of the cab landing neatly before the boy.
Slowly they apporached each other, the admiral giving the boy a sharp
salute for good measure.  "Admiral Ryouga Habiki working with the US Air
Force, dimensional investigation and reconaisance team, located in
souther Texas.  USAF Dirt for short." he finished with a smile. He looked
at the boys shocked face.  "They sent me, Ryouga Hibiki, to check out this
anomaly in the dimensional fabric. This is where I found you." The admiral
smiled, not noticing the increasing numbers of crystals that had began
humming, and the figures coming slowly out of them.  One evidently 
over-heard his speech.
	"Ryouga Habiki!?  That's me!"
	"And Me!"
	"Wait a minute!  Where did all of you guys come from!?"
	"Ranma!  This is all your fault!"
	The admiral looked about himself.  A total of seven Ryougas 
surrounded him, all watching each other in puzzlement.
	Then suddenly, as he watched, a grin spread over each Ryouga's
face, and each spoke the same phrase with alarming hostility.
	The admiral watched them start running, disturbing more crystals
on their way. Many of the Ryougas had problems going in one direction,
taking turns in the paths and aisles of the crystal room seemingly at
random.  With a sigh, he switched the transmitter back on.
	"Houston...we have a problem."
